Latest changes


New Features
  • Register and find cross references for your parts.
  • Part sales are now included in in parts Usage reports.
  • Show the date that a service was completed on the invoice.
  • Users efficiency reports now shows time clock in and time clocked on service.
  • Added vehicle unit and vin to invoice reports export.


New Features
  • Save repeating services
  • Attach parts to recurring services
  • Reorganize mechanics in priority.
  • Reorder Mechanics in Priority view
  • Set reminders for recurring services
  • Add details to service select when assigning to orders
  • Send parts to different action item within the same service
  • Print QR codes
  • Online Payments through Stripe
  • Custom invoice numbers
  • Improve priority view
  • Scan QR Codes to add parts to service or sales
  • Show all PM Services for a company
  • Show PM for vehicle when creating a service
  • Add description field to service types
  • Notifications
  • Customer approval for repairs.
  • Create Lead Mechanic Role


New Features
  • Payment not transferring from quickbooks.
  • Notify when duplicate receipt number is added to a delivery
  • Part pricing matrix
  • Create a PO without parts
  • Allow customers to not charge tax on Fees.
  • Stock fix
  • Implement Stripe connect
  • Search By invoice number that vendor provided.
  • Enable Auto-order by default for new parts.
  • Show notification that the parts are being ordered already.
  • Show if emails have been delivered
  • Take payments with terminals
  • Show cost for all available matrix when you go to individual parts.
  • Specify quickbooks product for Service Types
  • Always show QB invoice number when invoice is sent to QB
  • Show other roles to efficiency dashboard.